My name is Bashir Khan from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh.

My name is Bashir Khan from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh. I had been through the worst time of my life that changed my view towards life and helped me become a better person. I am talking about the kidney problem that I was afflicted with a year back.

karma ayurveda review

I belong to a normal family and run my own business so stress is an indispensable part of my life. Due to which, I developed diabetes at a young age. But I was living a normal life with few dietary and lifestyle restrictions. But I thought that was not enough and hence I developed chronic kidney disease after a couple of years of diabetes. I got to know about this condition when I took routine tests for diabetes as usual. I was surprised to know that I have kidney disease because there were no complications or side-effects visible in my body. I asked my doctor about the condition then he told me that kidney problems do not cause complications in their early stage. This statement gave a relief that my kidney problem was at its initial phase that was curable.

karma ayurveda kidney treatment reviews

But when I asked about its cure, he told me that firstly, I’ll have to follow some prescribed medicines and then dialysis and kidney transplant might also be required. I knew about the complications of these procedures so I was a little bit scared. That’s why, along with taking medications, I thought of finding a better, safe and economical cure as compared to Allopathy. In this case, I took the help of the Internet and came to know that Ayurveda is a one-stop solution to all kidney problems. Above all, it offers a permanent and risk-free cure. Finally, I got what I was looking for but t my search was not completed yet.

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After knowing this that Ayurveda is the best cure for my problem, the need for the best Ayurvedic kidney hospital arisen. Thus, I started searching for the best Ayurvedic kidney hospital or an expert Ayurvedic doctor who can help me in getting rid of my kidney problem. After an extensive search, I got to know about Karma Ayurveda, a Delhi based Ayurvedic kidney hospital. This hospital was claiming to cure thousands of kidney patients successfully and had also good reviews on the internet. After searching a little bit more, I thought of contacting Karma Ayurveda and thus took an appointment from this kidney hospital.

I arrived at Karma Ayurveda timely and started taking treatment from this Ayurvedic kidney institution. In the first 2-3 weeks of Ayurvedic treatment, I noticed no improvement in my health. But still, I kept the treatment continued. After a couple of weeks, I silently noticed a little bit of improvement in my health. I was feeling appetite, more active, and also less irritation. As time passed, I was feeling relief in my complications and soon most of them were gone. At that phase of time, I was so happy because I was feeling better than ever before. In fact, I was noticing the improvement in my overall health. My diabetes was improved and some other factors also became normal. When I took medical tests, doctor Puneet Dhawan told me that my kidneys are working efficiently. It means, they are healthy now and don’t require treatment. But he told me to follow some basic habits to keep kidneys healthy for longer naturally. I thanked him for making my kidneys back to normal conditions.  

Kidney patients who believe that they have no option except dialysis and kidney transplant so they must try Ayurvedic treatment for a permanent cure.      


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