Is Triphala good for kidney disease?

Triphala is a staple in ayurvedic medicines having its origin in India. Though you may not know its various benefits to curing umpteen sets of conditions, it is widely used for over 1000 years. It is a concoction made up of three-ingredient plants called Bibhitaki, Amalaki, and Haritaki. Traditionally, it is used in Ayurvedic Rasayana for balancing Vata, Pitta, and Kapha balance. In Ayurveda, these three doshas are known as a suffix for a healthy mind, body, and soul.

acute kidney failure treatment in ayurveda

Many ayurvedic scholars recommend Triphala for treating various conditions such as liver, kidney, stomach, immunity, etc. Consuming Triphala in the form of powder can also promote overall health and keep the risk of certain diseases at bay. It is used in the best kidney failure ayurvedic treatment for its benevolent properties.

Actually, it is a polyherbal medicine which means it consists of different medicinal herbs. All the herbs used along with it are thought to positively impact the body in various ways and are powerfully viable for consumption.

While Triphala is a powerful herb, its detrimental effects on certain people can be allergic. Based on its production, it has some traits of lead and mercury in it that makes it unsafe for consumption by many.

Triphala is made up of three dried fruits, including:


Amla is an edible fruit with a sour and sharp taste. Its extracts are used in many ayurvedic medicines for improving immunity and preventing the body against various infections such as cold and cough. It comes with a range of polyphenols that boosts the body’s ability to fight against cancer. Also known as Indian gooseberries, amla is abundant in vitamin C, amino acids, and minerals.


English name: Terminalia bellirica

This fruit is mostly grown in Southeast Asia and is used for the treatment of conditions like viral infections.  One of the most important benefits of including Bibhitaki in your routine is that it allows the uric acid level to go down naturally.


English Name: Terminalia Chebula

Only a small green fruit of the Haritaki plant is used in the ayurvedic medicine. The king of medicines Haritaki helps relieve the symptoms of heart disease, ulcers, stomach ailments, and asthma.

Additionally, it also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that amplify the body’s immunity power.

Now coming to the question, whether Triphala is good for kidneys or not, here are the benefits it yields to the kidney patients.

Anti-inflammatory properties

Vitamin C, flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins, tannins, and other compounds in Triphala help improve the immunity power and reduce inflammation within the body, including kidneys. These compounds help to fight oxidative stress posed by free radicals that sabotage the healthy cells and tissues of the body.

Help reduce weight

Some studies have shown that regular consumption of Triphala can help scorch the belly fat.  However, the study has been done on rats yet and human trials are still to investigate for the same.

Natural laxative

Its laxative properties allow the bowel to be easily passed. Triphala is a natural laxative in response to over the counter allopathic laxatives. In kidney patients, constipation is also seen as painful complications leading to pain and flatulence. So this way it is also advantageous for kidney patients.

Reduce blood sugar level

For balancing blood sugar level, this herb is highly suggested by ayurvedic scholars because of being high in gallic and ellagic acid. These plant chemicals augment insulin secretion from the pancreas in order to balance the blood sugar level.

Heightened levels of blood sugar level are reportedly known to impact kidney disease in the long run. So, consuming this herb will help minimize the risk of kidney disease and insufficiency.

Along with this herb, one should also make chronic kidney disease treatment in Ayurveda for a permanent recovery.

Are there any side-effects of consuming Triphala?

While Triphala comes with many therapeutic properties, it may direct side effects in some people. Too much consumption of any herb could possibly threaten the body in other terms. Similarly, Triphala is also bound to some detrimental properties. One being, its laxative nature may cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Further, pregnant ladies and lactating women should not consider consuming Triphala for any means.

If you are taking medications for other conditions, Triphala may interfere with their effectiveness. Amla in Triphala may elevate the likelihood of bleeding with bleeding disorders if consumed in excess.

For this reason, consult your doctor before making Triphala a part of your diet.

Forms and uses

Triphala is available in the form of supplements, pills, powdered and liquid extracts in the market. The liquid extract can only be used externally, so its usage is restricted. Ask your doctor about the daily dosages and follow the instructions as stated.

You can contact Karma Ayurveda Hospital for any reference on kidney disease and its ayurvedic treatment.

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