My name is Sohail Sheikh, 42 years old and I am a resident of Faizabad
My name
is Sohail Sheikh, 42 years old and I am a resident of Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh.
I work in a food godown in this city that helps me in earning a good livelihood.
Overall, I was able to fulfill those normal class requirements of my family
with this earning. In fact, everything was going well with me but there was
worse left to see. Almost six months ago, I started noticing swelling in my
body especially in feet. In the morning when I got up, my face also looked a
little puffy than earlier. Initially, I ignored it as I thought it would be the
effect of improper sleep. But with passing time, I also started experiencing
pain in the back of my abdomen. As the pain was not negligible so I took an
appointment with a doctor in my known. During that visit, the doctor told me to
get up early and go for a walk as it will help in swelling. For abdomen pain,
he prescribed some medicines and asked to avoid spicy and oily foods for a few
days. I followed his treatment for a couple of weeks but wasn’t getting
promising results. When I took medicines, I felt okay but after leaving
medicines, the pain came back. I got frustrated and visited the doctor again.
This time, he told me to follow some laboratory tests including blood and urine
The next day, I reached with my test reports. He analyzed the reports deeply and
told me with a deep sigh that my kidneys have damaged their half. Hearing this,
I said, what? Did I hear that my kidneys have damaged? He said that yes, you
have heard right. I was amazed completely as neither I drink nor smoke. I told
him the same then he told me that sometimes high consumption of protein and
drinking less than the required amount of waster can also put pressure on
kidneys and can make them diseased. I kept silent for around 4-5 minutes
without uttering a single word. Seeing this, the doctor got up from his chair
and shook my shoulder. Along with that, he also said that you don’t need to
worry as your condition is curable. I replied, I know doctor but it will charge
a thick amount. Then he suggested me to go for Ayurveda. He also told me that
Ayurveda can show better results as compared to Allopathy and it’s free from
any kind of risk and also affordable. Now, the question was which Ayurvedic
hospital to choose for the best cure! He asked me to take the help of the
internet as these days, you can easily consult a doctor online as well. I left
his clinic with many questions, confusion, and also sadness. The faces of all
my family members were flashing in my mind at that time as I was somewhere
concerned about their future.
What Is The Best Treatment For Chronic Kidney Disease