Treating kidney cysts with the help of home remedy

Cysts are a sac-like pocket of membranous tissue that fills with fluid, blood, air, or wastes. In kidney cysts, many cysts grow on the kidneys because of genetic mutation in one or both parents. Cysts may grow anywhere on the kidneys and grow up to 0.5 inches. A single kidney may have multiple cysts during polycystic kidney disease, which is different from simple kidney cysts that are normally benign or noncancerous.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Κіdnеу Dіsеаsе

PKD can alter the structure of the kidneys and hamper their function over time. They may dissipate many other harmful conditions within the body, such as high blood pressure, cysts in the other organs, brain aneurysms, problems with blood and vessels in your heart and brain. This is why it is a must for the patients to get it treated with kidney cysts treatment and home remedies.

Ayurveda is a natural treatment approach that helps to shrink kidney cysts without much of the difficulty. The shrinkage is mainly fostered by herbs like Punarnava, Shirish, Kaasni, Chandrprabha Vati, Gokshuradi Guggulu, and many others. Using the only herb is the major reason why ayurvedic treatment is considered safe and natural. Further home remedies like taking fruits, ayurvedic medicines are the only way through which you can escape the consequence of kidney cysts. Polycystic kidney disease often comes with a bunch of complications, so these herbs prevent those complications also.

Some complications of kidney cysts include:

·         Kidney cyst infection

·         Bleeding or burst kidney cysts

·         Urinary tract infection

·         Kidney stones

·         UTI

·         Tissue stretching around the kidney due to cyst growth

·         High blood pressure

·         Abnormal heart valves

·         Cysts in the other organs such as pancreas, liver, ovaries, etc

·         Breathing issues in babies

Herbal remedies have been used to treat urinary issues also consisting of infections in the bladder and kidneys. Herbs like Uva Ursi are a natural diuretic that zaps the bacteria present in guts.

A part of herbal remedies are the lifestyle measures you can adopt to prevent some of the complications arising out of cysts development:

Keep your body hydrated: Water is particularly needed for your kidneys to function properly. Drinking 4 liters of water per day means around 1.5 liters of urine will be excreted.

Drink cranberry juice: Cranberry juice is a boon for patients having kidney and urinary issues.

Eat fruits and vegetables: Being a kidney patient, your dietician would always recommend consuming fresh fruits and vegetables. They are a good source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals needed for the improvement in kidney function. Ask your dietician about the kidney-friendly fruits and vegetables like leafy vegetables, lettuce, etc.

Protein should be minimally consumed: It is suggested that you maintain a balance of protein in your diet. With protein, the kidneys have to work hard to remove their waste or leftover.

These were some of the best ways to reduce the cysts through home remedies and ayurvedic treatment. Herbal medicines are free from steroids and metals and do not cause any threat to the patients.

If you have any queries, let us know at Karma Ayurveda Hospital.

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