How to stop protein leakage?
How to stop protein leakage?
The condition when protein leaks out with the urine is named as proteinuria. It is a problem that occurs when your kidneys are not potent enough to work well. Along with that, the issue of protein leakage also occurs due to the increased consumption of protein.
Numerous people are not aware of protein leakage or proteinuria. They do not know what their foamy urine signifies. That is the reason why the number of kidney patients is increasing day-by-day. Through this blog post, we will inform you about the main causes, and symptoms of protein leakage. So, you can stay up-to-date. Along with that, we tell you about how to stop protein leakage with the help of proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment.
Before starting the topics, let’s read some important factors related to the kidneys and their importance in your life.
Kidneys that resemble the shape of red beans are vital for the following job roles.
Via eliminating the waste and toxins from your body, kidneys cleanse your blood.
Via forming urine, kidneys excrete wastes from the body.
Via producing some hormones, kidneys help in the formation of red blood cells, and to control your blood pressure.
Via maintaining the levels of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fluid in the body, kidneys keep the other organs healthy.
These are a few of the crucial job roles that your kidneys do for your better health. But, due to any obstruction when the kidneys stop working, then there are problems like proteinuria.
Protein is an important nutrient for healthy skin, hair, eyes, muscles, bones, etc. But, when the protein starts accumulating in your body, then you need proteinuria treatment in Ayurveda.
Let’s take a look at the main causes and symptoms correlated with the condition of protein leakage.
Best chronic kidney diseasetreatment in Ayurveda – CKD Treatment in Ayruveda
Causes of proteinuria are-
Increased consumption of meat, especially red meat. Yes, everything harms when you eat it more than your needs. Red meat is the high source of protein that is not only a cause of proteinuria. But, due to increased consumption of protein, your kidney could die or fail altogether.
High blood pressure is not only the cause of heart diseases. But, also a reason behind protein leakage. So, try to keep your blood pressure in control by avoiding the consumption of sodium.
Your lazy nature can put your life in danger. If you are a person who does not exercise or even walk, then one day your kidneys may stop working. Via not exercising, you are inviting the diseases and infections in your body. So, try to work on your procrastination and do some yoga. Via yoga, you help your kidneys in the elimination of accumulated waste in your body.
An elevated level of diabetes, whether it is type 1 or 2 is the cause of proteinuria. And, it is also the leading cause of kidney failure. Diabetes can be genetic or occurred due to an unhealthy diet and stress. Lots of people are taking insulin to keep diabetes in control that is also detrimental for the kidneys. So try natural ways to control your increased diabetes level. And, take proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment to stop protein leakage.
Having one or more than one of these causes means you should keep an eye on your kidneys health.
Symptoms of proteinuria -
The signs and symptoms of every disease or infection vary and depend upon your body. Those who are already sick may observe the symptoms of the problem in the initial stage. But, those who are potent enough may not get the symptoms in the initial stages of the disease. The following are the problems that are linked with proteinuria.
Muscle cramps
Shortness of breath
Pain in the stomach
Foamy or bubbly urine
Frequent or sometimes less urine
Reduced appetite or sometimes vomiting
Swelling in the legs, feet, face or puffiness around the eyes
These are the main problems that occur when protein is leaking out with the urine. Having one or more than these symptoms can be a hint of any other health issue. So, you should consult an Ayurvedacharya.
How to stop protein leakage?
There are two methods that you can use to stop proteinuria. The first is proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment, and the second one is Allopathic treatment.
On one side, where Ayurvedic medications work to terminate a disease by ending its causes and symptoms. On the other hand, allopathic medications are used to suppress the complications that occurred due to the disease. If you are in a quandary, whether to choose Ayurveda or Allopathy, then click on this link -
Here, you will see a story of a person who has proteinuria and for which he took proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment. At that time, when allopathic doctors told him that there is no treatment to stop protein leakage. Ayurvedacharya with the help of Ayurvedic medications and a renal diet plan not only cure the patient. But, also rejuvenate his damaged kidneys and filters.
Whether or not you should drive with a helmet is an easy decision, not a quandary. Proteinuria Ayurvedic treatment is also a great method to save your untenable kidney.
That is it. If you or anyone in your family is battling kidney-related issues, then take Ayurvedic treatment.