
Can Ayurvedic medicine help in curing kidney problems permanently?

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs in the human body that are located on either side of the body under the ribcages in the abdomen. This pair of organs is commonly known as filtering organs as they filter the blood and remove unnecessary and excess substances from the body. Besides, these organs have a large number of tasks to do that helps in the overall functionality of the body. Kidneys are well-capable of performing their functions when they are healthy. But if kidneys become weak or diseased, they lose their functionality; partially and eventually completely. Kidney treatment Ayurvedic medicine is the most effective way to get rid of kidney problems naturally.    Initially, kidney diseases can cause no symptoms but when kidneys become damaged severely, they stop functioning. In their severe damage condition, kidneys lose their functioning ability; as a result, several complications take place in the body. Mainly, fluid retention and accumulation of waste and to...

kidney hydronephrosis treatment in ayurveda

Also known as vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis refers to the condition of the kidneys in which they become swell. This happens mostly cause of urine being unable to drain off from the body on account of one or the other reason. When urine is not able to drain properly, it starts to accumulate in the kidney itself and creating a blockage thereby. Since you may have trouble when urine is unable to train properly, you may need kidney hydronephrosis treatment in Ayurveda. It is the best way to slow down kidney swelling occurring because of hydronephrosis. ayurvedic treatment for acute kidney disease treatment There is no time age and limit to have developed hydronephrosis. Children may have hydronephrosis during infancy or sometimes even before they are born. But the ubiquity of hydronephrosis is not that much common, only 1 in 100 babies may have hydronephrosis during their age. What are the symptoms of hydronephrosis? Normally, urine flows with limited pressure. But when the u...

No need for chemicals, follow kidney treatment by Yoga

‘Yoga is the sacred initiation to allow your bodily system to meet your soul.’ Yoga has been a profound course of kidney treatment that has brought numerous changes in my body since I started practicing it. Let me narrate to you my story of how I have recovered from the morbidities of the renal system throughout the blog.  ayurvedic treatment for acute kidney disease treatment I was diagnosed with the problem of high creatinine in January 2020, and like any other person went up to my nearest nephrologist in Delhi. He has suggested a bundle of medicines to control the levels. I am a true believer of natural healing, and so I didn’t buy any of the said. I know it may develop a few questions like ‘Why I headed to the allopathic doctor in the first place?’  So, the answer is; I like comparing the pros and cons of everything and guess what it was useful for me. I reached out to an Ayurvedic nephrologist in Delhi itself. There I met Dr. Puneet Dhawan, who analyzed my reports, ...

किडनी खराब होने पर पता चला, “कितनी जरूरी है किडनी”

नमस्कार, मेरा नाम परमिंदर है और मैं पंजाब का रहने वाला हूँ। ऐसे कुछ ही लोग है जिन्हें इस बारे में जानकारी है कि किडनी हमारे शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए कितने जरूरी कार्य करती है, दो साल पहले इन लोगो में मैं भी शामिल था। मुझे किडनी के महत्व के बारे में उस समय पता चला जब मेरी किडनी खराब हो चुकी थी और मैं उसके कारण कई समस्याओं से जूझ रहा था। किडनी रोगी को ना केवल शारीरिक समस्याओं से जूझना पड़ता है बल्कि उसे अपनी किडनी ठीक करने के लिए डायलिसिस भी करवाना पड़ता है, जो कि सबसे बड़ी समस्या है। डायलिसिस कहने में तो एक ट्रीटमेंट है, लेकिन यह किडनी खराब होने पर होने वाली समस्या है। मैंने भी इस समस्या को कई महीनों तक सहन किया था, पर डॉ. पुनीत धवन के कारण मुझे इस समस्या से छुटकारा मिल गया। ayurveda hospital for kidney failure treatment किडनी खराब होने के कई साल पहले से मैं हाई ब्लड प्रेशर की समस्या से जूझ रहा था, जिसको कण्ट्रोल में रखने के लिए मैं दवाएं लेता था और अपने खाने पीने का भी खास ख्याल रखता था। इन दोनों तरीकों से मेरा ब्लड प्रेशर तक़रीबन कण्ट्रोल में ही रहता था लेकिन इस बीच मैं दवाओं का आदि ब...

किडनी के लिए नुकसानदायक है बियर

जब भी व्यक्ति बियर पीना शुरू करता है तो उसे सबसे पहले यही बता बताई जाती है कि ये किडनी के लिए बहुत अच्छी होती है, इससे खून साफ़ रहता है, किडनी में पथरी नहीं बनती इसके अलावा और भी कई बातें। जब मैंने बियर पीना शुरू की तो मुझे भी मेरे दोस्तों ने यही सब बाते बताई थी, लेकिन मुझे कुछ सालों में ही पता चल गया कि बियर पीने से किडनी स्वस्थ नहीं रहती उल्टा इससे किडनी खराब हो जाती है। दो साल पहले मेरी किडनी ज्यादा बियर पीने के कारण खराब हो गई थी, जिसकी वजह से मुझे कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ा था और कई महीनों तक डायलिसिस भी करवाना पड़ा। कई महीनों तक डायलिसिस कारवाने से भी मेरी तबियत में कोई सुधार नहीं आया और मेरी हालत और ज्यादा खराब होती चली गई। वो तो उस समय मैंने डॉ. पुनीत धवन से अपना ट्रीटमेंट लेना शुरू कर दिया था जिसके कारण आज मैं सही हूँ, नहीं तो मेरे बचने की कोई उम्मीद नहीं थी। best herbal medicine for creatinine नमस्कार, मेरा नाम आदित्य है और मैं मेरठ का रहने वाला हूँ। मैंने स्कूल के दिनों में दोस्तों के साथ बियर पीनी शुरू की थी, उस दौरान मैं बस इसके फायदों के बारे में ही जानता था लेकिन इसके...

What is the best treatment for the kidney not functioning?

Kidneys are the two most important organs in the human body that perform numerous functions. Kidney functions help in the overall body functionality that leads to a healthy state. Primarily, kidneys do blood filtration and remove excess fluid, unnecessary substances, and toxins from the blood to make it clean. As our body needs clean blood to function optimally. Besides, these organs perform many other functions that include releasing hormones that stimulate red blood cell production, making bones healthy, maintaining the fluid balance in the body, and regulating blood pressure. So, you can understand how important kidneys are for your body. Healthy kidneys perform all their functions efficiently. But when they have to work extra hard they don’t get time to restore themselves; if this condition persists for longer, your kidneys may become weak and diseased. Besides, there are numerous factors or health conditions that cause kidneys to lose their functionality. As a result, your kidneys...

Why Kidney failure needs prompt treatment by Ayurveda?

Kidneys are called as the primary filtering system in your body as they are responsible for filtering your blood and maintain overall fluid balance. They regulate and filter minerals from blood. One of the primary functions of kidneys is to remove out waste materials from food, drugs, and toxic substances. They also create hormones that are essential to ensure you are wellbeing, strengthens your bones. Apart from maintaining the right balance of fluid in the body, it is your Kidney that maintains the acid-base balance in your body. The Kidney regulates the electrolytes, salt concentration. Read below: The components of kidney failure treatment by Ayurveda When your Kidney starts losing their functional abilities, gradually or all of a sudden, you are diagnosed with kidney disease. Kidney diseases can be of many types like- chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease, acute failure, Albuminuria, etc. As it is your Kidney, that filter your blood and regulates blood circulatio...