Is Ayurvedic treatment good for the kidney?
Is Ayurvedic treatment good for the kidney? Kidneys are the two vital organs in the human anatomy that perform the task of blood filtration. These organs are located at either side of your body under the rib cages. Kidneys perform numerous tasks; blood filtration, removal of wastes and toxins, maintaining fluid level in the body, regulating blood pressure, and making bones strong and healthy are to name a few. In addition, kidneys perform many other functions as well. So, when your kidneys become ill, they can cause many complications to take place in your body. As a result, it becomes necessary to cure your kidney disease because it causes any damage to your kidneys or kidney failure. Mainly, dialysis and kidney transplant are the main Allopathic procedures that are used to cure kidney problems. Due to the limitations of this treatment method, people are looking for a better treatment option and that’s why most of the people are heading to Ayurveda. Why Ayurveda?...